Holiday Self Care Tips

Holiday Self-Care Tips

Whether it’s your first holiday after a divorce or your fifth, the holiday season can be difficult.

Make Sure You Have a Holiday Plan

Hopefully your Parenting Plan spells out the details for holiday parenting time. If not, now is the time to get a plan nailed down with your ex. What time will you meet to exchange the kids? Where will you meet, or will one parent pick up the children? If you’re traveling, don’t forget to comply with any requirements to provide an itinerary and contact information to your ex.

Acknowledge Your Emotions

The holidays can be difficult, especially if you don’t have your children with you. Be gentle with yourself, and allow yourself time to grieve and/or process your feelings. Your emotions are normal, so don’t shame yourself for having them.

Decide What Traditions You Want to Establish for Yourself

One of my favorite parts of the holiday season are traditions, such as movies I watch every year or foods I only eat for specific holidays. As you transition to life post-divorce, I encourage you to consider what traditions you want to continue and/or establish for yourself. What are the movies you want to watch? Foods you want to eat? Who are the people you want to see? Activities that you want to do?

Give Yourself a Gift

Make sure you set aside some time and/or money in your budget to treat yourself! It can be something as simple as a long soak in your bathtub, a new pair of pajamas, or even the pleasure of sleeping in.

If you need help modifying your Parenting Plan or creating a holiday schedule, I’m here to help.