Post-Decree Modifications


Change is constant. You may find that your circumstances after divorce have changed. What worked initially may be obsolete or even contentious. If you feel like your current arrangement is broken, I'm here to help. 

changes to child support

Child support can be modified if there is at least a 10% increase or decrease in the amount of child support to be paid. 

If you do not know your ex's current income, you have several options: (1) request that your spouse agree to exchange financial documents; or (2) file a motion to modify, which triggers the requirement that you exchange financial information.

parenting time modifications

The court can modify parenting time at any time based on the best interests of the child. This includes factors such as where the parents live, the child's relationship with each parent, and the child's adjustment to his home, school, and neighborhood.

Usually, the child's wishes alone are not sufficient to justify a change to parenting time. However, it is a factor for the court to consider. 


Are you and your ex constantly arguing over decisions that need to be made for your child? If your inability to make joint decisions causes harm to the child (such as a delay in getting medical treatment), the court may allow one parent to make decisions. 

maintenance modifications

Unlike child support, maintenance cannot always be modified. If you have had a change in circumstances since your divorce, you should consult with an attorney to determine whether maintenance can be changed. 


I'm here to help you make some changes.


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Divorce & Legal Separation

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