Six Ways To Exercise Self-Care During A Divorce

Ending a marriage is stressful, so it is important that you take care of yourself during a divorce. Below are some tips on how to help manage stress and exercise self-care while you are getting divorced.

See a therapist.

Divorce is a traumatic experience, and you should be seeking out help. Many insurance companies provide mental health benefits. Some therapists also offer a sliding scale.

Do something you love

Make time for things you enjoy and that bring you life, even if it only for an hour every week. Find an art class, attend a symphony concert or theater production, or simply get together with friends.

Get a massage

Regular massages can reduce tension and help improve your health. There are lots of options, including student massage therapists, Groupons, or packages that can make massage affordable.

Be present with your kids

One of the main complaints of my clients is that they do not get enough time with their kids. Going from being with them 24/7 to only 50% of the time can be hard. When you are with your kids, make the effort to be completely present. Put away your phone. If possible, try to do your errands or get together with friends on days when the kids are not with you.

Trust your attorney

It is important that you find an attorney who you trust, and who you can feel confident is giving you good advice. Take the time to interview several attorneys to make you sure you find one who has an approach that meets your needs. A good family law attorney wants to reduce your stress.

Reduce unnecessary stress

Give yourself permission to say “No,” and to take extra time for yourself. Make a conscious effort to breathe deeply when you feel yourself getting stressed. Leave for appointments with plenty of time to spare, so that you are not stressed when you get stuck in traffic. Take five to ten minutes at the end of each day to read a fun book, take a bath, or meditate.

What are your favorite ways to de-stress? Comment below with your ideas!