What's Wrong With A DIY Divorce?

Many people assume that, if they have an uncontested divorce, adding attorneys to the mix will only complicate matters and cause a war. If you are one of those individuals, do not fear! While there are some attorneys who embody this stereotype, there are many others whose desire is to get your divorced from your spouse with minimal collateral damage. Divorce is hard enough on its own – you do not need an attorney who adds fuel to the fire!

I frequently have clients who had an amicable divorce, and thus did not hire attorneys. While I commend them for their ability to peacefully separate from their spouse, they often end up in my office two, five, or ten years down the road because they forgot details in their parenting plan that are now causing an argument. Examples include: not designating which parent’s residence will be used for school purposes; not specifying who will pick up or drop off the child; how fees for extracurricular activities will be split; will the kids be allowed to have cellphones, and who will pay for them?; and who stays home if the child is sick?

If you cannot afford to hire an attorney, I encourage you to look for an attorney who offers “unbundled services.” At the very minimum, have an attorney review your Parenting Plan and offer suggestions about what you might have missed. A little bit of time and several hundred dollars now may save you thousands down the road.

Keep in mind: When you hire an attorney, you are not just paying for the legal knowledge that attorney gained during law school. You are also paying for the benefit of the attorney’s practical experience with other families. My goal is to help clients avoid as many arguments in the future as possible. Not all disputes can be prevented, but a well-crafted Parenting Plan can go a long way in giving you a peaceful future with your co-parent.

Are you in need of legal services, but afraid you cannot afford an attorney? Katelyn offers unbundled legal services, and would love to talk to you about ways to help you afford representation.